Fall 2020 Adult Course Registration
Bonjour à tous,
The Alliance Française de Salt Lake City will be going online this fall! All of our classes will be virtual via Zoom. While we will miss seeing you in person, we are excited about the flexibility and new opportunities that come with going online.
You will find essential information in the attached document. Classes will start the week of September 14 and end just before Thanksgiving. The series of 10 1.5-hour weekly classes costs $195 plus AF membership. Typically our adult courses have been in the evenings and we will continue to offer those. We’d also like to propose some daytime classes, which will depend on your interest and availability.
Beginner 1 (Novice Low; lower than A1) – Instructor: Ariel – Monday 6:00 – 7:30 or daytime
Beginner 2 (Novice High A1/A2) – Instructor: Ariel – Wednesday 6:00 – 7:30 or daytime
Intermediate Low-Mid (B1) – Instructor: Jennifer – Monday 6:00 – 7:30
Advanced Conversation (B1/B2) – Instructor: TBD – Tuesday 7:00 – 8:30 or daytime
To pre-register, please indicate your intent to register by completing this form (https://forms.gle/Ya2BQbhLczN4nbbPA) by September 1st (no payment required at that time). You will then receive an e-mail that the course will take place (we need a minimum of 3 students to register; classes will be capped at 6) and that contains information on how to pay using PayPal by September 8.
In the next few days, you will also receive information about our new children’s offerings: storytime, small group lessons and tutoring.
If you have any questions or want more information, e-mail learnfrench@afslc-ut.org or call me at 718-483-6053.
Directrice Pédagogique
Anna Dow
Alliance Française de Salt Lake City